Wilinda's Apache Chief, Coef consanguinité = 0 %
Tarbo's Bobcat, Can. Ch, 13/09/1965
Eldor's Botek, Ch, seal grey & white, 18/09/1962Eldor's Little Bo, CH, seal & white, 18/09/1960Kobuk's Manassas Ambition
Ambara's Kanik, Ch., 22/07/1958
Ambara's Kanik, Ch., 22/07/1958Mulpus Brook's The Bear, CH, seal & white, 16/01/1952
Preston's Cheechako, 29/08/1956
Eldor's Satin Dancer, black & white, 20/10/1963Kobuk's Manassas AmbitionPrairie Lash, Ch., 25/06/1947
Ayiyak of Roy-El, Ch., sable & white, 16/12/1952
Ambara's Kanik, Ch., 22/07/1958Mulpus Brook's The Bear, CH, seal & white, 16/01/1952
Preston's Cheechako, 29/08/1956
Wobiska's Pogey, Ch, black & white, 09/05/1965
Cheeko's Sonny Boy of Wobiska, 05/06/1962Cheeko of Medicine Hat, 21/05/1960Cheeko of Breezy Acres, 01/06/1958
Bea's Juanita, 04/06/1957
Dixie Lee, black & white, 09/01/1961Cheeko of Breezy Acres, 01/06/1958
Tisha of Breezy Acres, 30/11/1959
Wobiska's Snow GleamTimber Trail Wuppee, Ch., AMA gray silver & white, 24/09/1956Timber Trail Kenai
Musher Lane Kila, 29/07/1949
Mala-Nor's Tariguniak, AMA silver gray & whiteMala-Nor's Koona, 14/10/1957
Sena-Lak's Sno-Cloud, 22/03/1959